Admission Master's
Further information for potential applicants
Number of Places
Number of Places
The Royal Danish Academy are by the Ministry of Higher Education given an annual quota on the number of students that we can admit.
According to Danish legislation graduates from Bachelor’s programmes at Danish institutions have a legal claim to a study place on the Master’s programme within two year after graduation from the Bachelor’s programme. The remaining places are offered to external applicants.
The number of places for external applicants per programme thus vary from year to year. It is not possible to predict in advance how many places are available for external applicants on each programme.
67 out of a total of 816 external applicants were admitted to the Master’s in Architecture programmes in 2024.
43 out of a total of 1088 applicants were admitted to the Master’s in Design programmes in 2024.
Visit to the Royal Danish Academy
Visit to the Royal Danish Academy
The Royal Danish Academy does not provide tours of the Academy for potential Master’s applicants or meetings with academic or administrative staff or current students.
You are very welcome to visit the campus on your own and you may enter buildings within opening hours as long as you do not interfere with teaching and study activities.
On our webpage https://kglakademi.dk/da you may find a calendar with information about exhibitions (“Udstilling” in Danish).
We also advise you to participate in our online open house https://royaldanishacademy.com/en/online-open-house/master
Bachelor fra Det Kongelige Akademi på studiepause
Bachelor fra Det Kongelige Akademi på studiepause
Ønsker du at tilmelde dig en kandidatuddannelse i arkitektur, design eller konservering i direkte forlængelse af din bacheloruddannelse på Det Kongelige Akademi, eller efter at have holdt studiepause i op til maksimalt to år, skal du følge tilmeldingsprocessen der er beskrevet på https://kglakademi.dk/da/tilmelding-kandidat-interne-ansoegere.