Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape
Short about Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape
At the Institute of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape, we are interested in the development of society, which we see as architecture's major prerequisite. Global urbanisation, climate change, increasing inequality in e.g. health, resource scarcity and the increased pressure on the natural basis place great demands on us as architects, both in terms of analytical sharpness and artistic precision.
We teach, research and carry out artistic development work in architecture and spaces of all sizes: from materials and building parts to complex buildings to bold proposals for development plans for entire parts of the country. From designing the local children's institution to planning university areas in the knowledge cities. From province to big city. From the design of an exhibition venue or a natural area to a strategy for a municipality or region's experience economy. From the individual housing for the elderly to the development of a city with large population differences and needs.
For us, the goal is a higher quality of life for all species through beautiful and durable architecture, urban development and landscape architecture. And that we reach the UN's 17 global goals by 2030, of course!