About the Conservation Education
The Conservation Education is higher education, offering Bachelor, Master and PhD courses, equipping you to work practically and academically in the field of conservation. On the academic level, conservation unites craft with theory.
The vast majority of our conservation graduates with Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degrees find jobs with the discipline’s principal clients: in museums, conservation centres, libraries and laboratories at home and abroad.
With our educational and research environment, we wish to remain the preferred partner for research into theoretical and practical conservation in Europe, and to develop our international relationship with research programmes in the EU and elsewhere.

Intensive educational programmes
The field of conservation at the Royal Danish Academy allows you to specialise in one of five areas, which correspond to the kind of restoration and conservation tasks required by art museums, historical museums, archives and libraries, natural history museums, historic buildings, and for work on monuments. That means our educational programmes correspond directly to the needs of the industry.