Example projects & alumni stories

Graduate from Computation in Architecture

Ana Goidea

My experience at Computation in Architecture has established my own research trajectory and provided me with skills to pursue both independent and collaborative research at the intersection between architecture, computation and biology. 

Graduate from Computation in Architecture

Asya Ilgun

The two years spent in Computation in Architecture, KADK were significantly transformative for my academic life and dictative of my design philosophy. 

Graduate from Computation in Architecture

Lyn Poon

Since graduating from Computation in Architecture I have been working as an architect and landscape architect in roles that have allowed me to pursue designing with computational tools. 

Graduates from Computation in Architecture

Gabriella Rossi and James Walker

To join Odico as computational designers after two years at 'Computation in Architecture' has been a great opportunity to apply the knowledge and skillset acquired during the masters at KADK.

Graduate from Computation in Architecture

Stian Vestly Holt

The knowledge I aquired during my years at Computation in Architecture has allowed me to work on specialized tasks in design teams during conceptual design developments and later phases of a project.