Ana Goidea, graduate from Computation in Architecture

My experience at Computation in Architecture has established my own research trajectory and provided me with skills to pursue both independent and collaborative research at the intersection between architecture, computation and biology.

Knowledge of digital fabrication tools that I have gained here prepared me to help starting up a computation – fabrication research cluster at Lund University, and to be part of running the 3d printing lab. After having taught at the master course at the same university I am now doing my PhD, investigating the possibilities of large-scale additive manufacturing in architecture, continuing a research topic that I started during my thesis project at Computation in Architecture.

My research met with industry in critical points of overlap between additive manufacturing and the building sector, on a large scale 3d printing project in concrete, built in Copenhagen. I have carried further interdisciplinary research together with the microbiology department at Lund University to develop biohybrid materials for 3d printing.

The Computation in Architecture programme has prepared me not only to be able to follow the demands of the discipline in an ever-changing environment, but to be able to develop alternative strategies to the new challenges we are facing today.