07.08.2024 Cooperation and Business Fashion Design Students Win Awards for Collaboration with Pandora
Open lecture 16.30 - 17.30 06.03.2025 Smooth City: against urban perfection, towards collective alternatives
Contact and employees Address Royal Danish Academy - Cluster for Housing Research Philip de Langes Allé 10 1435 Copenhagen K Denmark Kontakt Michael Asgaard Andersen Associate Professor Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape +45 41701886 masg@kglakademi.dk Ulrik Stylsvig Madsen Associate Professor Architecture and Technology +45 41701787 Ulrik.Madsen@kglakademi.dk Martin Søberg Associate Professor Architecture and Culture +45 40846860 +45 41701730 Martin.Soberg@kglakademi.dk Nicholas Thomas Lee Assistant Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701566 nlee@kglakademi.dk