Martin Søberg

Associate Professor
Architecture and Culture
+45 41701730
Mobile phone
+45 40846860

Martin Søberg is an architectural historian specialised in modern and contemporary architecture and the relationship between architectural works and ideas. His research interests include architectural theory, artistic research, and poetics. He is author of the research-based monograph Kay Fisker: Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture (Bloomsbury, 2021) translated into Danish as Kay Fisker: Moderne arkitektur – levende tradition (2023) and has published articles in books and journals on the topics of architecture, landscape architecture, drawing, and photography.

Martin Søberg is co-editor of the books Architectures of Dismantling and Restructuring: Spaces of Danish Welfare, 1970–Present (2022), The Artful Plan: Architectural Drawing Reconfigured (2020), What Images Do (2019), Terræn: Veje ind i samtidskunsten (2019) and Refractions: Artistic Research in Architecture (2016). He is chair of Docomomo Denmark and vice-chair of the Danish Association of Art Historians .