The Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation is headed by a Rector. The Rector is answerable to the Board of Governors, who in turn are answerable to the Minister of Education. The Executive Board which comprises the Rector, Lene Dammand Lund and Prorector, Svend Lawaetz, take care of the uppermost day-to-day management of the Academy.
The day-to-day management is carried out by a Rector within the framework laid down by the Board. The remainder of the managerial team carry out their tasks under the authority of the Rector.
The Prorector has primary responsibility for the overall finances of the Academy, business development and continuing and further education, and is in charge of the Academy's administrative managers, whose units support the core activities of the Academy. See an overview of the administrative units.
The executive board
The executive board is the Royal Danish Academy's top management group and consists of the rector, vice-rector and deans. Here, guidelines are set out for the rector's office and the deans tasks. In the executive board, the overall management of the Academy's portfolio of development projects also takes place.
The Royal Danish Academy has three Deans who have overall responsibility for the respective courses. They implement the strategy of the Academy at course level in cooperation with the relevant Heads of Department. They represent the respective subject areas in the public eye and are responsible for the quality of their courses. The Deans are answerable to the Rector.
Heads of Institute
The Head of Institute reports to a dean and is a member of the Royal Danish Academy's Head of Institute group. The Heads of Institute jointly and in consultation with the rector decide on an overall internal organization of the 6 Institutes, e.g. in the form of Institute councils, Institute assemblies, etc. The Head of Institute is the highest representative of the Institute, handles personnel management of the Institutes's employees and unfolds the academy's strategy at Institute level.