Administrative units
The Administrative Department supports the Royal Danish Academy's management, students, employees, business partners and authorities to create the best environment for the Academy's study, work and development environment.
The Architecture, Design and Performing Arts Library is a public academic and research library, open to everyone, five days a week. The library is a central meeting place and knowledge base, primarily for students, researchers and teachers.
HR & Legal Department
HR & Legal Department
HR& Legal Department is responsible for personnel management, personnel policy, skills development, health and safety and secretarial services for committees and working groups.
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The Finance Department is responsible for pay, holidays, absences, payments and collections, accounts and the provision of essential information regarding resources, activities and results.
IT and Campus
IT and Campus
IT and Campus take care of the operation and development of the physical and digital contexts: e.g. classrooms, networks, digital systems, computers, software and accessories. The units work to ensure an excellent physical environment for teaching, research, artistic, developmental and service activities at the academy.
Communications and Management Secretariat
Communications and Management Secretariat
The Management Secretariat is responsible for development tasks and services the Academy's senior management, i.e. board, rectorate and a number of councils and committees.
Communications deals with the Academy's internal and external communication, along with management communication, internet and intranet, social media and marketing.
Education Secretariat
Education Secretariat
The Education Secretariat supports the academy's education administration and services applicants, students, graduates and helps tackle administrative planning and management tasks/ The Secretariat covers central student administration and guidance as well as local institute operation.
Research Secretariat
Research Secretariat
The Research Secretariat services researchers and research forums at the Royal Danish Academy with, e.g., project applications, funding opportunities and contracts, and aims to support the Academy's position as a leading research and artistic development institution.