The Board

The Board is the top management of the Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design,Conservation and is responsible for promoting the institution's work and defending the interests of the institution as an institution for artistic education and research.

The Board is accountable to the Minister for Education for the institution's overall business and the rules laid down for the institution. On the basis of recommendations from the Rector, the Board determines guidelines for the institution's organisation, long-term business and development. The Board appoint and dismiss the Rector.

The composition of the Board should reflect the institution's overall tasks. The whole Board must, therefore, have access to education, research, artistic research practice, dissemination of knowledge, management, organisation, finances and the areas of employment and business, for which the institution educates its students.

The Rector and Vice-Rector participate in board meetings without voting rights.


The Board has 13 members

  • 7 external members (6 members appointed by the Ministry and 1 member appointed by the Danish Arts Foundation)
  • 3 academic staff representatives (academic staff members from each of the three subject areas, Architecture, Design and Conservation respectively)
  • 1 representative for the overall technical and administrative staff at the Royal Danish Academy
  • 2 student representatives.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are appointed by the Ministry.


Questions about the board and its work can be addressed to the Secretary of the Board.

External members appointed by the responsible minister

Gitte Ørskou

Gitte Ørskou

Ole Gustavsen

Ole Gustavsen

Betina Simonsen

Betina Simonsen

Mads Kjøller Damkjær

Mads Kjøller Damkjær

Rasmus Jessing

Rasmus Jessing

The external member chosen by the Danish Arts Foundation

Pernille Stockmarr

Pernille Stockmarr

The internally elected members

Claus Qvistgaard

Head of Team
+45 41701818

Mikkel Scharff

Associate Professor
+45 41701930
Foto Sofie Beier

Sofie Beier

Professor MSO
Visual Design
+45 41701883
Foto af Nini Leimand

Nini Leimand

Associate Professor
Architecture and Technology
+45 41701748
Sylvester Bajda

Sylvester Bajda

Student representative, architecture
Nynne Schønfeldt

Nynne Schønfeldt

Student representative, conservation

Secretary of the Board

Hanne Nielsen

Special Consultant
Communications & Management Secretariat
+45 41701560