New Architecture and Design
New Architecture and Design
New Architecture and Design
New Architecture and Design

NEW Design & Architecture

16.00 - 18.00

Join the official opening of the graduation exhibition NEW Design & Architecture on 21 June at 16, where everyone is welcome. 

The exhibition shows how a new generation of architects and designers have worked with concrete and complex issues. Their projects inspire to take new paths towards a more sustainable development, and illustrate how architecture and design can contribute to driving real change in our society.  

The graduates present original and aesthetic graduation projects that have been developed on the basis of the Academy's three-legged knowledge base, which is based on science, art and practice. Several of the projects are made in collaboration with public and private companies and with input from other disciplines. 

For many years, the Royal Danish Academy has focused on the UN's Global Goals. The global goals and their interrelation form an important compass for the graduation projects. The projects are presented individually or in groups through visual material, models and prototypes in three exhibition halls, and provide an insight into all programs from the architecture and design programmes.