About the architecture programmes
The Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation educates architects, who are among the most sought-after in the world. The fundamental philosophy of the programme is that architecture is not simply about design, but is a special form of reflection and practice, which can change the world and our perception of reality.

Practice, research and artistic research
As an architect, your work involves the creation of new spatially and sensuously interesting solutions for society as a whole.
The education is supported by practice, research and, not least, by artistic development. Based on issue-oriented tuition, we strengthen our students’ academic, artistic and professional skills.
The world as workplace
Education as an architect enables you to work in a wide variety of jobs in the fields of planning, architecture and design. You might start your own business, or you might find employment in an architecture or design firm, in industry or in private and public companies. Or you might work in one of the many other new contexts, which our educational and research fields are constantly helping to open up.
You will be equipped to work with ethics, aesthetics, function, technology, culture, environment and society in tackling professional architectural tasks. You will be ready for a national and international career in the profession’s various fields of work. This includes practice, research and development, dissemination and tuition.
Intensive educational programmes
The Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation offers five Bachelor programmes (in Danish) and twelve Master programmes in architecture. You follow a single programme during your undergraduate education and a single programme during your graduate education. We provide intensive specialisation, enabling you to develop an educational profile that matches both your expectations and those of the industry.
The programme you follow is based in a institute, which becomes the home base for your courses. Here, at the drawing board, in the workshop and in project tuition, you enjoy close contact with teachers, researchers, international guest lecturers, as well as mentors and inspiring practitioners.