About the programme

The Professional Bachelor of Crafts in Glass and Ceramics has a specific artistic and entrepreneurial profile. This allows students to explore the idea of starting their own business — or to become a key employee in a company. 

Throughout the programme, students learn about the regional, national and international traditions around crafts — with a focus on social significance and contemporary development. This includes insights into new production methods, modern technologies and sustainability. 

The glass and ceramics workshops are at the heart of the programme. This is where students develop their skills to work with form and expression, function and object by using varied materials. At the workshops, students have many opportunities to explore and experiment with the materials’ diverse expressions. 

All students will do an internship in their fourth and seventh semesters. Internships strengthen students’ competencies and professionalism and help them develop a professional network. 

We offer both glass and ceramics in two fields of study. The overall structure, frame and content are the same across the programme — but when it comes to practice and culture, we educate two different types of craft makers. 

Teaching happens in multiple ways. Material workshop courses are based on technical skills and experimental idea development. Students also meet teachers in hands-on sessions or when teachers advise their projects. There are also lectures, teamwork, discussions and field trips. During the programme, students will have the opportunity to plan and carry out their own projects — from inception and sketches to finished pieces in glass and ceramics.


  • In the first semester, we investigate utility and form in glass and ceramics through different techniques and methods. Students are trained in these techniques through shorter courses such as glass blowing, clay throwing, glaze chemistry, plaster work and more. The methods introduced are based on classic design thinking as well as experimental approaches that can help students develop a new understanding around working with glass and ceramics. The semester introduces the practical, theoretical and artistic aspects of crafts based on technological, material and artistic experimentation.
  • The second semester introduces different digital and analogue technologies — with personal artistic expression as the focal point.

  • The third semester aims to strengthen students’ entrepreneurial and professional competencies and prepare them for their internships in following semesters. The longer project in the third semester focuses on how glass and ceramics can be used in spatial thinking. We work with large-scale pieces and learn how they can take part in an urban environment.
  •  The fourth semester includes a theoretical assignment investigating how crafts are connected to the global economy through networks. Besides, the theoretical assignment is also where the first internship takes place.
  •  The fifth semester focuses on business collaboration on a strategic level. It includes a longer project where students independently work with their chosen discourse and intention within the field of crafts.
  •  The sixth semester clarifies processes and positioning to foster students’ understanding of their own professional identities and qualifications for future practice within the field of crafts. The programme’s final project also takes place this semester; here, students carry out fully-developed projects in glass or ceramics.
  •  The seventh semester includes the second internship.

