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Staff and contact information Address Urbanism and Societal Change Philip De Langes Allé 11, Building 72 1435 Copenhagen K Denmark Head of Programme Deane Alan Simpson Professor Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape +45 41701651 deane.simpson@kglakademi.dk Staff Carlos Ramos Tenorio Teaching Assistant Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape cten@kglakademi.dk Charles Bessard External lecturer Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape charles.bessard@kglakademi.dk Christine Bjerke PhD Research Fellow Architecture and Design +45 41701535 cbje@kglakademi.dk Jan Loerakker Teaching Assistant Professor Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape jloe@kglakademi.dk Michael Asgaard Andersen Associate Professor Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape +45 41701886 masg@kglakademi.dk Simon Sjökvist Industrial PhD Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape ssjo@kglakademi.dk Tamara Kalantajevska External lecturer Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape tkal@kglakademi.dk