Once you have been accepted onto a programme at the Royal Danish Academy, one of your priorities will be to find a place to live in Copenhagen. The Academy does not have its own accommodation and we are not able to provide housing opportunities.
Each year thousands of new students will begin their various studies, and with a relative shortage of student accommodation, finding a place to stay can be a challenge. Therefore, we recommend starting your search as early as possible.
How much does it cost to rent?
It can be expensive to live in Copenhagen. The rent for a room is typically DKK 4,500-8,000 per month. Copenhagen Municipal offers more information on how to find a place to live. This includes your rights as a tenant and other useful information and tips: https://international.kk.dk/artikel/average-renting-costs
Be Careful! While the vast majority of adverts are genuine, we have had reports of fake adverts, where students are asked to transfer a large deposit without having seen the room/apartment. We strongly recommend that students view rooms/apartments before making a deposit.
Legal help
Lejerens Frie Retshjælp is a 100% free legal aid organisation, that can help you with issues regarding your housing in Denmark (landlord-tenant law). If you need legal aid on housing issues, you can fill out the form on their website with your name(navn), email and a description of your legal issue(besked). The webpage is in Danish, but they can help you in English
LEJKA.dk is a company, whose purpose is to avoid scams. They offer free legal advice, prepare the tenancy agreement and protect the deposit. They offer advice in Danish and English.
Where do I start?
There are a number of property rental websites in Denmark, and where you can start with your search. The most common sites are:
- boligportal.dk
- THE MARK → Student housing in Copenhagen
- dba.dk
- findroommate.dk
- lejebolig.dk
- boligdeal.dk
- housinganywhere.com
- ungdomsboliger.dk
- hometogo.dk
- voreslejebolig.dk
- opslagstavlen.universitetsavisen.dk
NB Usually landlords will invite the first few people who respond to view the room/apartment, so try and respond to the advert within an hour of it being published.
It is also possible to apply for a room at a number of student dorms (in Danish: kollegier). These are very popular so make sure to apply well in advance. Here's a select list of dorms in Copenhagen:
- KKIK: https://www.kollegierneskontor.dk/default.aspx?lang=GB (manages a number of different student dorms)
- Industrikollegiet: https://sites.google.com/a/ikol.dk/ikol/
- Rigshospitalets Kollegium: http://rhk.dk/
- Otto Mønsteds Kollegium: http://omk.dk/index.php/nye-beboere
- Håndværkerkollegiet: http://haandvaerkerkollegiet.dk/
- G.A. Hagemanns Kollegiet: http://www.gahk.dk/index.php/optagelse/ansoeg
- Collegium Juris: http://www.collegiumjuris.dk/da/ansoegning
- P. Carl Petersens Kollegium: http://pcarlpetersens.dk/pcarlpetersens.dk/Ansg.html
- Nordisk Kollegium: http://pcarlpetersens.dk/pcarlpetersens.dk/Ansg.html
- 4.Maj Kollegiet: http://4maj-hassager.dk/ansogning
- Tietgen Kollegiet: http://tietgenkollegiet.dk/en/apply-and-become-a-resident/application-form/
- Studentergården: http://wwwold.studentergaarden.dk/en/
- Egmont Kollegiet: http://www.egmont-kol.dk/en
- Vartorv Kollegiet: http://www.vartovkollegiet.dk/optagelse.php
I still haven’t found a place - what do I do?
Due to the difficulties of finding a place (especially while living abroad), many students stay in hostels or B&Bs for their first few weeks in Copenhagen. Often being here and speaking with other students can help you find more options.
It is our experience that after the first month of the studies, all students have found a place to stay.