07.08.2024 Cooperation and Business Fashion Design Students Win Awards for Collaboration with Pandora
Open lecture 16.30 - 17.30 06.03.2025 Smooth City: against urban perfection, towards collective alternatives
Employees and contact Address Royal Danish Academy - Center for Material Studies Philip de Langes Allé 10 1435 Copenhagen K Denmark Medarbejdere Isak Worre Foged Professor MSO Architecture and Design hfog@kglakademi.dk Flemming Tvede Hansen Associate Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701848 fth@kglakademi.dk Maria Sparre-Petersen Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701868 msp@kglakademi.dk Antonio Scaffidi Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Design asca@kglakademi.dk Suzi Pain Assistant Professor Architecture and Design spai@kglakademi.dk You-Wei Yen Research Assistant Architecture and Design yyen@kglakademi.dk Niklas Elsgaard Research Assistant Architecture and Design nels@kglakademi.dk