External collaborative activities

The Royal Danish Academy - Institute for Conservation wishes to maintain and increase its collaboration with business on research and development. We collaborate in several different formats and with many different actors: with public and private companies, colleges and schools and many international partners, including in a number of networks.

  • ENCoRE, network of conservation education in Europe
  • NKF (Nordisk Conservator Forbund) works to promote cooperation between conservators in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland
  • E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisation), international organization with 6,000 professionals from 22 countries
  • ICROM, heritage conservation and restoration techniques
  • Blue Shield, protection of cultural heritage
  • ICOM-CC, the International Organization of Museums' Interdisciplinary Committee for Conservation
  • IAQ, international organization that works with the importance of air pollution for the degradation of cultural and natural heritage
  • IIC (International Institute for Conservation) interdisciplinary framework for conservation research
  • CEN - the European standardization work with a large, professional forum for conservation-relevant standards
  • IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature) international organization whose purpose is to promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources