07.08.2024 Cooperation and Business Fashion Design Students Win Awards for Collaboration with Pandora
Open lecture 16.30 - 17.30 06.03.2025 Smooth City: against urban perfection, towards collective alternatives
Staff and contact information Address Fashion Design Fabrikmestervej 4 1437 Copenhagen K Denmark Postal AddressPhilip de Langes Allé 101435 Copenhagen K Head of Programme Marcus Aminaka Wilmont Assistant Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701968 mwil@kglakademi.dk Staff Marcus Aminaka Wilmont Assistant Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701968 mwil@kglakademi.dk Kjetil Aas External lecturer Architecture and Design kaas@kglakademi.dk Malene Kristiansen Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701864 mkr@kglakademi.dk Rikke Stetter Clothing Instructor Architecture and Design rste@kglakademi.dk Line Hyldgaard Klitbo Technology Instructor Business & Innovation +45 41701947 lkli@kglakademi.dk Sif Albrechtsen Technology Instructor Business & Innovation +45 41701784 dalb@kglakademi.dk Bitten Hegelund Technology Instructor Business & Innovation +45 41701839 bhe@kglakademi.dk Ane Rønne Technology Instructor Business & Innovation +45 41701804 aron@kglakademi.dk