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Employees and contact Address Architecture's Anatomy and Fabrication Philip de Langes Allé 10, Entrance A+B 1435 København K Denmark Programansvarlige Nini Leimand Associate Professor Architecture and Technology +45 41701748 nleim@kglakademi.dk Ida Emilie Henriksen Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Technology +45 41701684 ihen@kglakademi.dk Medarbejdere Nini Leimand Associate Professor Architecture and Technology +45 41701748 nleim@kglakademi.dk Ida Emilie Henriksen Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Technology +45 41701684 ihen@kglakademi.dk Claus Pryds Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Technology claus.pryds@kglakademi.dk Daniel Sang-Hoon Lee Associate Professor Architecture and Technology +45 41701646 daniel.lee@kglakademi.dk Frans Drewniak Associate Professor Architecture and Technology +45 41701662 Frans.Drewniak@kglakademi.dk Karl Albert Frej Skoog Teaching Assistant Architecture and Technology ksko@kglakademi.dk Karsten Gori Teaching Assistant Professor Architecture and Technology karsten.gori@kglakademi.dk Martin Winther Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Technology mwin@kglakademi.dk Ole Smith Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Technology olsm@kglakademi.dk Sidse Hald Teaching Assistant Professor Architecture and Technology shal@kglakademi.dk Sophie Sahlqvist Teaching Associate Professor Architecture and Technology sophie.sahlqvist@kglakademi.dk Thomas Kampmann Associate Professor Architecture and Culture +45 41701774 Thomas.Kampmann@kglakademi.dk