Dag Petersson

Associate Professor
Architecture and Culture
+45 41701649

Dag Petersson is Associate Professor in philosophy, science theory and architectural theory. His research centers on political architecture with a particular focus on heritage and rebuilding. Studies in philosophy deal with the political theory of Hannah Arendt and questions of reconciliation in Jacques Derrida. In 2014 he co-founded the international candidate program "Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability." He currently chairs the research group “Architecture, Strategy and Politics.”

Dag Petersson is the author of “DELISTED: A Political Story” (Danish Architectural Press, 2023): a study in the political process that lead up to the delisting of the Viking Ship Hall in Roskilde. Other books include The Making of the Other Half: Jacob A. Riis and the New Image of Tenement Poverty (Aarhus University Press, 2014)and The Art of Reconciliation: Photography and the Conception of Dialectics in Benjamin, Hegel and Derrida. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). He is the co-editor of Representational Machines: Photography and the Production of Space (Aarhus University Press: 2013) and  Actualities of Aura: Twelve Studies of Walter Benjamin (NSU Press, 2005).