Nikolaj Bebe

Nikolaj Bebe works as Senior Manager and Head of Store Design at Bang & Olufsen, where he leads the development and implementation of new global store concepts and leads the large design team.

Nikolaj Bebe is educated in visual communication and psychology, specializing in design and architectural psychology.

Over the past 15 years, he has worked nationally and internationally with strategic design in senior positions as creative director, design manager and board member. He has helped start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs and large Danish private and public companies to optimize and create user-centered products and services. In addition, he has helped start up and scale four design and innovation companies. Nikolaj is a board member of Design Denmark.

Nikolaj Bebe also has his own design studio, which combines design and psychology, and which solves tasks for customers in the span between strategic, tactical and operational development work. Often based on the interplay of change management, brand, architecture and interior design. In addition, he is the inventor and founder of AiAi, a company that shapes designers for business and industry for success through design

Nikolaj Bebe is a member of the advisory board, design.