Research and collaboration

Spatial Design collaborates with academic, public and private partners to foster a rich study environment. 

The academic partners are mainly associated with the programme's research environment. For example, our department’s research programme, the Centre for Privacy Studies, is  connected to, among others, the University of Copenhagen and ETH in Zurich. Our research project Spaces of Danish Welfare has similar collaborative efforts with a number of Scandinavian institutions, whereas our project Universal Design collaborates with SBI and RCA in London, among others.

An important research environment connected to Spatial Design is Center for Interior Studies which includes several tutors at the program: 

The programme has ongoing collaborations with exhibition venues such as Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek and the Royal Danish Collection. Our advisory board consists of Dorte Mandrup from Dorte Mandrup Architects, Katja Viltoft from JJW and Linda Korndal from Norm.