50 designers and architects show new ways in the design landscape of the future
With the exhibition 360°, 50 newly qualified designers and architects provide an insight into their methods and processes, and show new paths in the design landscape of the future. The exhibition is part of 3daysofdesign.
In continuation of the design festival’s ‘Dare to Dream’ theme, the new designers and architects challenge the prevailing focus on finished products and take visitors on a journey into the processes that precede the finished design. The diversity of the projects infuses the exhibition with broad insight into current tendencies within the Danish architecture and design scene.
The exhibition is organised with the support of the Royal Danish Academy’s Institute of Architecture and Design, and Head of Institute Mathilde Serup is thrilled to have this opportunity to provide the sector and a cultural audience with insight into the expertise of the graduates: “I’m delighted about how ‘360°’ at 3daysofdesign gives us an opportunity to showcase the professional skills of the young architects and designers and their inquisitive approach to the design process and methodology. What preceded the finished product? And how do they work with materials and complex problems?”

Two-part exhibition showcases processes and products
360° is organised into two sections giving insight into the journey from idea to creation and the finished product. The first section exhibits analyses, studies, inspiration and experimentation. The second presents the final products from each project in a combined multidisciplinary installation.
The exhibition’s projects are further grouped into four professional categories: Material researchers; skilled craftspersons; curious archivists; and investigative analysts. In this way, the design methods shape the exhibition itself while bridging the gap between the graduates’ innovative experimental approach and the established design scene.
360° precedes the Royal Danish Academy's official graduation exhibition, where a total of 250 graduation projects will be shown from 21 June at Holmen in Copenhagen.