Digital content
The collections of the Royal Danish Academy Library cover four subject areas; architecture, design, conservation and the performing arts
We have both physical and digital collections consisting of books and e-books, journals and magazines, online articles, databases, maps, graduation programmes, PhD dissertations, dvd's and much more
Graduation Programmes
Graduation Programmes
Find graduation programmes and master's thesis from 1972 and until today
In Arkitekturbilleder.dk you will find over 1800 buildings by more than 750 different Danish architects and design studios. The buildings are described with pictures from the outside and inside and relevant links to further information
All images can be downloaded and used under the Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Denmark
If you want to use them commercially for publication or printing, contact the library at bibliotek@kglakademi.dk or Martin Toft Burchardi Bendtsen at mtbb@kglakademi.dk
The Royal Academy Library gives you access to several news media
Infomedia is a newspaper base with full-text articles from a large number of Danish national, regional and local dailies, local weeklies, trade magazines, periodicals and magazines, news and telegram agencies
Byrummonitor is an independent, award-winning digital news media for anyone interested in Danish urban development. If you would like to have access outside the campus, you must send your academy email to annika@monitormedier.dk, who will assign you a personal login and send an activation link
Altinget is a media platform that covers Danish politics in depth through their 23 niche portals. Remote access also with VPN and personal created user account
Mediestream provides online access to the Kgl. The library's digital collections of newspapers, radio and TV as well as commercials. Full access only via the Royal Library locations. Read more about Mediestream and how to get access
The Royal Academy Library gives you access to many inspiring and professional resources within the four subject areas; architecture, design, conservation and performing arts
You can find them all in the database list A-Z
How can you access the databases from home?
If you are an employee or student at the Royal Academy, you can get home access to the electronic resources to which the library subscribes. Read more about home access in this guide
In the archive you can find digitised photos, drawings, books, journald and pamphlets from the library's collection
The Royal Academy Library gives you access to more than 250,000 e-books from Proquest Ebook Central
On campus, you can read e-books online without logging in. If you wish to download an eBook, you must create an Ebook Central account. With an Ebook Central account, you can read and download ebooks remotely
Other e-book collections
Bloomsbury Visual Arts E-books where you will find a large selection within design and architecture
Bloomsbury Fashion Central contains e-books on fashion, textiles and clothing
The DOAB Directory of Open Access Books collects academic, peer-reviewed open access e-books
Need help?
If you need further help - just ask. We have created a guide on how to use e-books
You're missing something?
Although we have many e-books, unfortunately we do not have everything. However, you are always welcome to send an inquiry about a title, and then we will find out if we can acquire it
Journals and articles
Journals and articles
The Royal Academy Library has a large collection of physical and electronic journals. You can search here for online journals
You can also see which online and physical journals the library gives access to within the subject areas; architecture, design and conservation
In the DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals you can find scientific open access journals and articles from all over the world and within all subjects
Short about Digital content
Royal Danish Academy - Library
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 50
DK 1434 København K
+45 4170 1700
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:00