07.08.2024 Cooperation and Business Fashion Design Students Win Awards for Collaboration with Pandora
Open lecture 16.30 - 17.30 06.03.2025 Smooth City: against urban perfection, towards collective alternatives
Contact and Employees Address Royal Danish Academy Philip de Langes Allé 10 1435 Copenhagen K Denmark Head of cluster Masashi Kajita Associate Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701761 masashi.kajita@kglakademi.dk Researchers Masashi Kajita Associate Professor Architecture and Design +45 41701761 masashi.kajita@kglakademi.dk Roberta Cassi Postdoc Architecture and Design +45 41701669 rcas@kglakademi.dk Emil Ballegaard PhD Research Fellow Architecture and Design emba@kglakademi.dk Mette Johanne Hubschmann PhD Research Fellow Architecture and Design mhub@kglakademi.dk Eva Sievert Asmussen Industrial PhD Architecture and Culture easm@kglakademi.dk Christine Bjerke PhD Research Fellow Architecture and Design +45 41701535 cbje@kglakademi.dk Silje Sollien Postdoc Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Silje.Sollien@kglakademi.dk Adam Linde Nielsen Research Assistant Architecture and Technology alin@kglakademi.dk Associated researchersNicolai de Gier, Professor MSO - Institute of Architecture and Design Olga Popovic Larsen, Professor - Institute of Architecture and TechnologyJonna Majgaard Krarup, Professor - Institute of Architecture, Urbanism & LandscapeJos Boys, Visiting Professor Former researchersMarcus Merit, Ph.D. fellow Rama Gheerawo, Visiting Professor Mikkel Hjort, Postdoc