The Digital Board On The Digital Board you can post internships, jobs and competitions that are relevant for the students at the Royal Danish Academy. Please note, that internships for students of architecture and design will take place only in the spring semester. Make a post - Any -CompetitionInternshipJob - Any -ArchitectureConservationDesign Deadline 30.03.2025 Konkurrence Arkitektur OPEN CALL FOR RESIDENCY: LIQUID LANDSCAPES Deadline 31.03.2025 Praktik Arkitektur Bliv praktikant i Sweco Architects Deadline 31.03.2025 Job Design Drømmer du om at illustrere fremtidens børnebøger? Deadline 07.04.2025 Konkurrence Arkitektur Design Open Call: Kortfilmkonkurrencen "Uhørte stemmer" Deadline 07.04.2025 Job Design Student Assistant - Workplace Design, Corporate Real Estate Deadline 09.04.2025 Praktik Konservering Praktikplads Deadline 31.05.2025 Job Arkitektur Design Law firm’s logo Deadline 07.09.2025 Konkurrence Arkitektur ARKITEKTKONKURRENCE for studerende 2025: ‘Sundholm Kvarterhus - Den Levende Lade’
Deadline 07.09.2025 Konkurrence Arkitektur ARKITEKTKONKURRENCE for studerende 2025: ‘Sundholm Kvarterhus - Den Levende Lade’