Qualifying Exams from Denmark
Applies to applicants with diplomas from Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, A.P Møller-skolen and Duborg-skolen.
Danish qualifying exam that makes you eligible
To be eligible you need a qualifying exam. In a Danish context this is a “studentereksamen (stx)” or similar. The following diplomas meet requirements:
- Danish ”Almen studentereksamen” (stx)
- Danish “Erhvervsfaglig studentereksamen” (eux)
- Danish ”Højere forberedelseseksamen uden overbygning” (hf)
- Danish ”Merkantil studentereksamen” (hhx)
- Danish ”Teknisk studentereksamen” (htx)
- Equivalent exams from Greenland and the Faroe Islands
- Exams from A.P. Møller-skolen and Duborgskolen
- Danish "Gymnasiale indslusningskurser for fremmedsprogede" (GIF)
- Danish ”Eux 1.del som sidestilles med hf uden overbygning”
- Danish ”Steiner-hf" (established 2017)
Requirements for subjects and grade point average
The Royal Danish Academy has no requirements regarding number and composition of subjects in your Danish qualifying exam. Also we have no requirements regarding level of subjects and grade point average.
However, to be eligible for the Crafts programme you need English at level B (Danish standard). Most Danish exams from Upper Secondary School meet this requirement.
Upload of diploma and transcript on optagelse.dk
Your grades are automatically transferred to the Academy via a national database, if you passed your qualifying exam after 2005. Do you hold an older diploma, you must upload this.
Applicants with diploma from the Faroe Islands, Greenland, A.P. Møller-skolen or Duborg-skolen must upload diploma as grades are not automatically transferred.
Applicants from Greenland
It is not possible to apply for the Crafts programme via “Den grønlandske særordning” as you can only apply in quota 2.