SAGA – Heal Through Play

Selma Tas, Emilie Vicoria Ferraro Steuch, Pedro Ferreira Granacha, Isabella Jin Kjær Jensen, Anna Lisa Hoby Skanning
Rigshospitalet: Ditte Thøgersen, Researcher & Project Manager

How does a healing playground concept look like?

SAGA is a concept for a playground at the future N-House as part of Glostrup Hospital and Rigshospitalet, a new treatment facility for children with brain or spinal cord injury. The latest research within the rehabilitation of cognitive physical functions points to good effects of outdoor training and play in natural surroundings.

A saga is defined as ‘a long and complicated story of brave and heroic achievements with an old and Icelandic Narrative’. This reflects the Danish- Icelandic girl Saga, going through a long journey of recovery from a traumatic brain injury she got at the age of 9.

Since then, she progressed and has contributed to the design of the playground SAGA — a magical Icelandic universe that functions as a break from the hospital environment and as a play space for outdoor rehabilitation, accessible for all kids and adults with and without disabilities.
