The Art of Thriving
The Art of Thriving toolbox is the result of a research project that seeks to identify and disseminate the wellbeing and creativity-promoting potential of artistic methods and make them available to everyone who wants to strengthen well-being and creativity in practice.
Findings show that artistic methods foster inner joy, creativity, and well-being, partly by activating our emotions, intuition, and senses. These methods provide differentiated forms of insight that contribute to a deep sense of meaning, new perspectives and an experience of being part of a larger whole.
The tool’s visual expression is designed to spark curiosity and foster creativity. The visual design seeks to create a sense of transformation and an inviting, trustworthy space that makes it easy to get involved in artistic

Internal participants
Royal Danish Academy’s Continuing and further education and Institute for Visual Design
External partners
Union for Architects and Designers, the Danish Design Association, The Velliv Association