Hemp Acoustics

Isak Worre Foged, Antonio Scaffidi

This study investigates and proposes design and fabrication methods for hemp-based heat-pressed acoustic tiles. Through computational pattern generation and acoustic analysis methods, combined with CNC-milling of formwork for heat pressing and room acoustic measurements are material-geometric relations examined and described. The study results in new procedural design method for creating bespoke visual-acoustic modules and knowledge of how these hemp-based tiles can impact the acoustic environment.



Worre Foged, I & Scaffidi, A 2022, A Design and Fabrication Method for Hemp Based Acoustic Elements. in 'Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design: Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe' (eCAADe 2022). vol. 1, eCAADe, pp. 101-110, eCAADe2022, Ghent, Belgium, 13/09/2022.
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