Complex modelling

Research Area
Complex Modelling
Designdreven innovation

CITA, the Centre for IT and Architecture at KADK conducts research into the points of intersection between IT and architecture in a number of international projects.

In autumn 2012, Professor Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, the head of the Centre, received her best award ever. As one of the top seven researchers in Denmark, she received the Independent Research Council’s Sapere Aude Top Researcher Award for the research project, Complex Modelling in Architectural Design. The award amounts to DKK 7 million and runs until 2017.

The aim of the project is to use digital interfaces to develop methods that can yield new knowledge about the interplay between the properties of materials at the micro level and the capacities of buildings at the macro level. Thereby the digital models can help capture the complexity of materials and generate their innovative design potential. By developing new digital design methods, which create feedback between the different scales, the intention is to achieve better, more creative and sustainable building practices.

The project is interdisciplinary and the result of dialogue with researchers at the École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland) and Universität der Künste Berlin (Germany). In addition to Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, the project involves lecturers from CITA, two PhD students, one postdoctoral fellow and a research assistant.



Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen

Architecture and Technology
+45 41701736