AUTARKI 1:1 - Gluelam construction optimized for ease of erection and energy efficiency


A research- and demonstration project with cross-laminated timber panels (Gluelam), by architect, head of CINARK Jesper Nielsen, master of engineering Daniel Reinert (Grontmij I Carl Bro), architect, assistant researcher Rikke-Julie Schaumburg-Müller and arch.stud. Nina Belokonskaia.    

The research and the experiment focus on a reconsideration of the contemporary methods for gluelam construction. By optimization of material use through new structural principles and montage processes, the recyclability as well as the energy consumption is improved. Structural, thermal and architectonical potentials will be investigated in a 1:1 pavilion erected in June 2010 at RASA.  

The project will be conducted with support from Carl Bro fonden, KLH Massivholz GmbH, Velux, Dansk Træfiberisolering og Uretek.

CINARK is working on a pavillion optimized for ease of erection and energy efficiency. 

AUTARKI is a research- and demonstration project, by architect, head of CINARK Jesper Nielsen, master of engineering Daniel Reinert (Grontmij I Carl Bro), architect, assistant researcher Rikke-Julie Schaumburg-Müller and arch.stud. Nina Belokonskaia.     

The AUTARKI pavillion is being painted.

Nikolaj Callison from CINARK is painting the AUTARKI pavillion.

The 8th of August 2013 the Autarki pavilion moved to Christiania.

Striving for 100% reuse CINARK and KADK has chosen to donate the Autarki CLT pavilion to Christiania, where it will be functioning as a shop.

The agreement with the Christianites is that the student and the employees from KADK will be welcome to visit the pavilion for educational purposes.

We look forward to following the pavilion in the coming years, and we are happy for it becoming a nearby neighbor.