Architecture of Airs

Project Authors

  • Daniel Sang-Hoon Lee, Associate Professor at Institute of Architecture and Technology.
  • Alex Hummel Lee, Assistant Professor at Institute of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape. 


Air flow in architecture is a quality rarely visualized as a spatially appriciable phenomenon during the design process. Rather, conceptions of air flow are typically illustrated in either technical diagrams of computational fluid dynamics or in simplified sketches of ventilation schemes. While both the technology to accurately simulate air flows and to evocatively visualize space and material have reached states of convinving precision, they have not yet been combined, so to explore poetic yet realistic projections of detailed air movements, architects have had to mediate different types of data.

This project introduces state of the art simulations of air in immersive architectural visualization, to encourage further development in designing with air flow as a core quality of 21st century architecture.