Clever Active Cities

09.00 - 17.00
Free with registration - noshow will be charged with 375 dkk

The Clever Active Cities conference focuses on intelligent urban planning that incorporates physical and social activities directly into the planning system and not as individual initiatives in the city’s space.

The conference will highlight some trends that promote or hinder

physical or social activity. Subsequently, the intention is to trace the effect on the space of the modern city and to inspire with concrete examples that promote “the good life” and the opportunities therein in the course of ongoing research, development projects and practices.

Clever Active Cities focuses on a number of challenges for health and well-being in urban communities. In the face of rising urbanization and the transition to urban societies that are CO2 neutral, the city plays a key role in promoting health and well-being as well as addressing the challenge of socio-economic inequalities among urban residents, the lack of social cohesion, high occurrence of loneliness, increasing obesity, social inequality in health, physical inactivity, pandemic, and many other challenges. Cities play important roles in solving these problems and in providing urban environments that promote the health and well-being of urban dwellers.

In short, the conference seeks to bring recent experiences and responses into dialogue with research areas in the built environments, health and wellness.

(subject to change)

09:00    Registration and morning coffee

09:30    Associate Professor René Kural, Royal Danish Academy. Welcome and introduction to the topics and objectives of the symposium.

09:35    Adjunct Professor Elena Dorato, University of Ferrara. Preventive Urbanism. The role of health in designing active cities

10:10    Professor Pablo Martinez, 300.000km/S, Barcelona. Air quality and urban design 

10:45    Professor Deane Allan Simpson, Royal Danish Academy. Crisis of Urban Imaginaries, How might the current crises of climate, environment, and inequality – and their confluence articulated in the current pandemic – trigger and justify alternate urban imaginaries?

11:20     Associate Professor René Kural, Royal Danish Academy. Tools to improve the opportunities for physical and mental well-being for seniors in a socially disadvantaged area

12:00 LUNCH

13:00    City Architect Camilla van Deurs, Copenhagen Municipality. Specific examples from the City of Copenhagen

13:35    Associate Professor, Dr. Emanuele Sommariva, University of Genoa. Cre/Eat/Ing City – Urban Agriculture Strategies for City Resilience

14:10    Professor Kristine Jensen, Royal Danish Academy. The City in the Landscape, the Landscape of the City


15:00    Invited key note speaker, Professor Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Atelier Bow Wow. Architecture in a volatile present.

15:50    Thank you for coming. Associate Professor René Kural, Royal Danish Academy

16:00    Excursion to CopenHill by foot. If the pandemic does not allow physical attendance, a film about the ski slope and the incineration plant CopenHill will be shown

Registration and signup

Symposium, lunch, water, tea and coffee are free. In case of noshow, DKK 375 is charged. There is room for a maximum of 100 participants according to the “first come, first served” principle - signup is necessry. 

The conference will be held digitally on Microsoft Teams. Link will be mailed to participants 24 hours prior to the conference. 

The conference is arranged by

  • Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation
  • Malmö University
  • Aalborg Universitet
  • Jyväskylän Yliopisto Fysiikan Laitos
  • Università degli Studi di Ferrara
  • University of Copenhagen
  • University of Southern Denmark

The conference is supported by

  • Realdania