Credit Transfer: bachelor, professional bachelor and master programmes

Below you will find previous cases of credit transfer after 2015. 

What is credit transfer?


When applying you are obliged to inform us if you have passed courses as part of another educational programme.  

In the online application form you must upload transcripts and official course descriptions for the courses you have already passed. If you are applying for bachelor or professional bachelor programme you must upload documentation for courses at the bachelor, professional bachelor or master level. If you are applying for a master programme you must upload documentation for courses at the master level. 

If you are admitted to the Royal Danish Academy the courses will be assessed by credit transfer committee. The courses will be transferred if the committee has assessed that the courses are equivalent to the courses in your programme at the Royal Danish Academy .

Bachelor programmes

Here you find previous cases of credit transfor for bachelor programmes in architecture, design and conservation. You will be directed to the Danish webpage

Master programmes

Here you find the previous cases of credit transfer for master programmes in architecture, design and conservation

Professional bachelor

Here you find previous cases of credit transfor for the professional bachelor programme Crafts in Glass and Ceramics