Forms of Cognition and Practice
The course 'Forms of Cognition and Practice' shows students how to understand the world through creative practice.
Two hundred first-year students gather for an intense week during which external lecturers inspire them to draw within daily themes: Still Life, Context, Staging, and Self-Portrait. The project examines how students can translate their creative practices into an understanding and interaction with the world in the context of global disasters and miracles. Students apply artistic methods to produce works that reflect their personal and professional identities and their ability to respond to complex global challenges.
The chosen method promotes a deep understanding and reflection on the individual and professional self in the context of more significant global and societal challenges. By creating art in various thematic and physically manipulated contexts, students learn to view complex problems from multiple angles and to integrate aesthetic, social and environmental dimensions into their work, emphasising the importance of reflection and critical thinking in the design process.
Whole and Part (Institute of Architecture and Design)
Produkt+ (Institute of Architecture and Design)
Internal participants
All architecture and design students from the programs Whole and Part and Product+ 2018-2023
External partners
Anne Knudsen (Anthropologist and Editor-in-chief), Line Falk (Designer), Tommy Petersen & Christian Bretton-Meyer, Artist group A-Kassen, Jan Bäcklund (Bureaugrapher and Artist), Louise Hindsgavl (Designer and artist), Henrik Oxvig (Philosopher), Christina Capetillo (Photographer), Knud Romer Jørgensen (Author), Kristian von Hornsleth (Artist), Per Aage Brandt (Author, Semiotician Professor and Philosopher), Peter Carlsen (Artist), Kristoffer Albris (Lector, Playwright, actor, musician and author Madame Nielsen), Thomas Kluge (Artist), Søren Ulrik Thomsen (Poet), Susanne Hangaard (Designer and ceramic artist), Anna Weber Henriksen (Artist), Claus Carstensen (Artist, author and curator), Katrine Wiedemann (Director), Maja Ravn (Scenographer), Benjamin Hav (Musician)