PhD Defense: Water for varnish removal

14.00 - 17.00

Louise Husby defends her PhD dissertation: Water for varnish removal. Evaluating water-based methods for the removal of dammar varnish from mock-up samples of traditional oil paintings. The defense is open to the public - join in person or by Zoom. 


14:00     Welcome and presentation of chairperson, Assessment Committee, supervisors, and author

14:05     Louise Maria Husby presents her dissertation: Water for varnish removal Evaluating water-based methods for the removal of dammar varnish from mock-up samples of traditional oil paintings

14:50     Short break

According to the ’Ministerial Order on the PhD Course of Study  and the PhD Degree’ the chairperson may invite the audience to contribute with short statements. Such intentions should be addressed to the chairperson during the break.

15:00     Alison Murray, Associate Professor, Doctor, Queens University, Canada

15:30     Francesca Caterina Izzo, Associate Professor, Doctor, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy                         

16:00     Mikkel Scharff, Associate Professor, Institute of Conservation, Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark (Chair of the Assessment Committee) 

16:30     Comments from the auditorium 

The Assessment Committee evaluates and makes the concluding remarks Closure of session 

Assessment committee

  • Alison Murray - Associate Professor, Doctor, Queens University, Canada 
  • Francesca Caterina Izzo - Associate Professor, Doctor, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy               
  • Mikkel Scharff - Associate Professor, Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark             (Chair of the Assessment Committee)

Principal Supervisor 

  • Cecil Krarup Andersen - Associate Professor, Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark (Chairperson of the defence)


  • Dr. Bronwyn Ornsby, Principal Conservation Scientist, Tate, United Kingdom
  • Nanna Bjerregaard Pedersen  Associate Professor, Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark

The thesis is the result of a PhD project funded by The Free Research Council, Denmark. 
The PhD project has been conducted in collaboration with Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Conservation

The thesis is available to look through for interested persons at the Library of Architecture, Design and Performing Arts, Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 50, 1434 Copenhagen K.