Magazine launch: Stop building?

16.30 - 19.00

The call for a general halt to new construction in the developed world is currently gaining momentum, appearing in countless places.

In the seventh issue of Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur, we raise the complex question: Should we, as a profession, work for a general halt to new construction in the developed world as a strategy to achieve the green transition?

The issue present a diverse collection of contributions from academics and practitioners to recent graduates from Denmark and abroad with arguments both for and against building and numerous nuances in between. For the launch of the issue, we have invited the contributors for a round table hereby invite everyone interested in the question to participate in the discussion. 


  • Morten Birk Jørgensen
  • Nicholas Thomas Lee


  • Nicolai Bo Andersen
  • Kim Helmersen
  • Ursula Kozminska and Matiss Grosskaufmanis
  • Helen Rix Runting, Rutger Sjögrim, Karin Matz
  • Michelle Sabine Malling and Hampus Berndtson
  • Filip Eckerdal Ivarsson
  • Alicia Lazzaroni and Antonio Bernacchi
  • Emma Svanberg
  • Sean Yuxiang Li
  • Frans Drewniak
  • Laura Pap
  • Beata Hemer and HouseEurope!
  • Thomas Hacksen Kampmann
  • Lone-Pia Bach
  • Chaques Chevrant