PhD thesis from the School of Conservation hits the front pages
“The widespread use of wax and resin lining throughout the 20th century on a great deal of western painting does far more damage than was previously believed.” Last summer, this warning from Cecil Krarup Andersen, a PhD graduate from the School of Conservation, won KADK a place on the front page of the Danish daily, Politiken, followed by features on the television channels, DR and TV2, and other leading Danish media.
Cecil Krarup Andersen ‘s PhD thesis on lining was based on her work at the School of Conservation and the CATS research unit at the National Gallery of Denmark. While working on her PhD, she conducted a series of analyses of the use of wax and resin lining on oil paintings. A 65% humidity level shrinks the paintings, so the colour layer is in danger of peeling off. The treatment has been used on works by artists such as Rembrandt and van Gogh and on the majority of Danish Golden Age paintings.
There is entirely new knowledge on the subject, and this could have seminal significance in Denmark and abroad. Cecil Krarup Andersen is currently employed as an Assistant Professor at the School of Conservation.