Lightn' Porcelain

30.11.2023 - 12.01.2024
Lightn' Porcelain exhibition is displayed in the library untill January 12 2024

How can light and digitally produced porcelain enhance each other's presence?


The exhibition LIGHTN' PORCELAIN displays tests and results of 3D-printed porcelain illuminated by the sustainable light source OLED. With the ambition of creating a unified, vibrant atmosphere, the light from the OLED acts as a catalyst in shaping the porcelain.

The exhibition is the result of a collaboration project between Royal Danish Academy Cluster for Material Studies and Cluster for Light in Architecture and Design at the Institute of Architecture and Design.

Udstillingen af Flemming Tvede Hansen og Katja Bülow  er resultat af et samarbejde mellem Cluster for Material Studies og Cluster for Light in Architecture and Design ved Institut for Bygningskunst og Design på Det Kongelige Akademi.