Organizing Architecture

17.00 - 19.00
40 kr. (entrance to Rundetårn)

Debate: How can architecture be transformed through the organization of events and the production of works?

This evening, architecture is viewed as a professional field with an organizational infrastructure, theories and discourses, interests, and power structures. A field in continuous transformation through the influence of multifarious actions, events, and initiatives. 

Some of the people behind two such initiatives, respectively the Works+Words 2022 Biennale in Artistic Research in Architecture and Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur Nr. 4: Faglig organisering ('Magazine for Architecture and Culture No. 4: Professional organization'), join forces for a discussion on incentives and strategies to impact architecture. 

The event plays out as an open discussion between contributors from Works+Words 2022 and Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur 4 and welcome participation from other attendees. The focal point is how architecture transforms through the organization of events and production of works.

The discussion will be opened by editor of Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur 4 Morten Birk Jørgensen and curator of Works+Words 2022 Peter Bertram. 

Attending contributors include among others:

  • Peter Bertram, Associate Professor - Royal Danish Academy
  • Christine Bjerke, Teaching Assistant Professor - Royal Danish Academy and author of 'Room to be, room to act' (Magasin for Bygningskunst, 4)
  • Yuxiang Li, student - Royal Danish Academy and author of  'Freja - Socratic yet Hedonistic' (Magasin for Bygningskunst, 4)
  • Anne Romme, Associate Professor - Royal Danish Academy and participant in Works+Words 2022: 'Metaphorical Houses: Imagining Female Residencies'
  • Morten Birk Jørgensen, Associate Professor - Royal Danish Academy and editor of Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur no. 4

The debate will be in English.