International Lecture Series: Sandi Hilal

16.00 - 18.00

Open lecture by the architect Sandi Hilal. The lecture is part of the ‘International Lecture Series’ at the Royal Danish Academy where prominent international architects are invited to present their views on significant topics in architecture. In 2022 the series will explore the profound agency architecture and the built environment holds in shaping our societies and its potentials for a sustainable, equitable and inclusive future for all.


The first keynote in this lecture series will be given by architect, artist and educator Sandi Hilal (PS). Sandi Hilal has developed a research and project-based artistic practice that is both theoretically ambitious and practically engaged in the struggle for justice and equality. 

She is the Co-Director of DAAR, Decolonizing Architecture Art Research, an architectural and art collective that she co-founded in 2007 with Alessandro Petti and Eyal Weizman in Beit Sahour, Palestine. The aim of DAAR is to combine an architectural studio and an art residency able to bring together architects, artists, activists, urbanists, film-makers and curators to work collectively on the subjects of politics and architecture. 

Sandi Hilal was the head of the Infrastructure and Camp Improvement Program in the West Bank at UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) from 2008 to 2014. She co-founded Campus in Camps in 2012, an experimental educational program hosted in the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem with the aims to overcome conventional educational structures by creating a space for critical and grounded knowledge production connected to greater transformations and the democratization of society. 

The event will be moderated by the Head of Instiute of Architecture and Technology, Natalie Mossin.