Visualizing Sustainability

07.04.2022 - 01.05.2022

How can computerized tools be used to convey narratives about the world we live in and the sustainable world we want to develop? On Wednesday 6 April, the Royal Danish Academy opens the exhibition 'Visualizing Sustainability', where 13 research projects in architecture and design translate complex research data into visual expressions.

The exhibition presents thirteen experimental research projects that analyse and develop the potential of data visualization in the areas of architecture and design with particular focus on green transformation and sustainability.

The projects use data-based tools to impart narratives that provide a more nuanced view of reality and our surroundings. Translating complex research data into visual expressions heightens our awareness of contexts and relationships that we, as individuals or users, are not necessarily able to see or were not aware of previously.

Sustainable urban planning and biomaterials

The projects deal with a wide range of topics within architecture and design and use graphic depictions, physical and digital models, drawings and casts to shed new light on such a variety of topics as sustainable urban planning in Copenhagen, the circular food economy, the use of scrap wood in the construction industry and the structure of bio-materials.

The projects featured in the exhibition were developed with support from the 2019 Research Reserves (Forskningsreserven 2019).
The exhibition is kindly supported by the William Demant Foundation and Dreyers Foundation.

The exhibition opens on April 6 at 16.00 - everybody is welcome.