About the Institute

At the Institute of Architecture and Design, educators, researchers and students investigate the intersection of design and architecture — and the relationships between humans and spaces, and spaces and materiality. We are rooted in the unique Danish tradition: we see design and architecture as integrated disciplines — and humans at the core of physical and social contexts.

Our research and education programmes are distinctly driven by the desire to create meaningful social change. We cultivate architecture and design’s potential to drive innovative solutions to the complex challenges of today. Therefore, we integrate subjects such as anthropology, entrepreneurship, technology and sustainability into our work. We prioritise developing interdisciplinary skills; and we emphasise the value of collaboration across architecture and design.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals have been central to our work since 2016. This has been a necessary and natural progression of the tradition of design and architecture to  tak on  social responsibility. We believe this tradition contributes to future-proof of our profession and our ambition to meet the highest standards of quality in our educational programmes and research.

We educate architects and designers and help them build the skills they need to design solutions to contemporary societal challenges. At the same time, students develop their abilities to inspire and involve stakeholders, customers and end-users. The students grow their business mindsets, develop skills to design processes and strategies and learn to collaborate with private and public partners in local, national or international settings. Throughout it all, human beings are always at the core.

The students build their skills and techniques and develop a particularly strong sense of materials and tactility. All of the programmes are anchored in the Danish design tradition. We educate students in perceiving spaces in the big picture as well as the small details — in both spatial and materials contexts.

At our studios, workshops and project-based courses, the students closely collaborate with teachers and tutors. They meet researchers, international keynote speakers and external teachers from existing studios and companies. Most teachers have their own businesses next to teaching, so they have thorough insights into the labour market that students should expect to enter after graduation. 

Institute of Architecture and Design