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What you can't see - portraits from within

15:00 - 18:00
Tribeca NV
Bygmestervej 2
2400 København NV

Research indicates that Ritalin improves the memories of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s. Something designstudents from the codesign masters program have focused on in the project "What You Can’t See - portraits from within", a project that focuses on the patients in design-based user studies.

The codesign masters program at KADK have co-produced a series of video portraits on three internal dialogues – chronic pain, Alzheimer’s disease and Ritalin use – in an effort to aid the subjects in telling their unseen stories.

These portraits constitute the first forays into this year’s theme: Body Dialogues

Join us for an afternoon of video portraiture followed by fruitful discussions on these themes to help imagine future explorations in Body Dialogues.

About Codesign

Codesign and coproduction is rapidly spreading in e.g. product design, communications design and environmental design. Traditional design fields have to be re-thought and new venues for the designer are opening up as designers have to engage in open collaborations with a network of non-designers. We call this design profile, codesign.