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Public PhD-defence: Circular Facade Design – The Tectonics of Circular Economy

Auditorium 5
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 53
1435 København K

// Due to the spreading of Corona virus in Denmark, the Government has decided to close all public educational institutions for the next two weeks to limit the risk of contamination. Therefore, all our public lectures and events are cancelled for the time being.  


Pelle Munch-Petersen defends the dissertation Circular Facade Design – The Tectonics of Circular Economy. 


13:00 Welcome and presentation of chairperson, assessment committee, supervisors and author 

13:05 Pelle Munch-Petersen presents his dissertation Circular Facade Design – The Tectonics of Circular Economy 

13:50 Short break 

According to the ’Ministerial Order on the PhD Course of Study and the PhD Degree’ the chairperson may invite the audience to contribute with short statements. Such intentions should be addressed to the chairperson during the break. 

14:00 Jonas Holst, Associate Professor, School of Architecture and Technology, Institute of Humanism and Society, San Jorge University, Zaragoza, Spain 

14:30 Morten Birkved, Professor WSR, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, SDU Life Cycle Engineering, Odense, Denmark 

15:00 Nini Leimand, Associate Professor, Institute of Architecture and Technology, KADK, Copenhagen, Denmark (Chair of the assessment committee) 

15:30 Comments from the auditorium 

The assessment committee evaluates and makes the concluding remarks 

Closure of session  

Assessment committee 
Jonas Holst Associate Professor, School of Architecture and Technology, Institute of Humanism and Society, San Jorge University, Zaragoza, Spain 

Morten Birkved Professor WSR, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, SDU Life Cycle Engineering, Odense, Denmark 

Nini Leimand Associate Professor, Institute of Architecture and Technology, KADK, Copenhagen, Denmark 

Principal Supervisor 
Anne Beim Professor, Institute of Architecture and Technology, KADK, Copenhagen, Denmark (Chairperson of the defence)  

Company Supervisor 
Martin Vraa Nielsen Henning Larsen Architects, Copenhagen 

The thesis is the result of a PhD project financed by Innovation Fund Denmark and Henning Larsen Architects A/S, accomplished at the Institute of Architecture and Technology, KADK. The thesis is available to look through for interested persons at the Library of Architecture, Design and Performing Arts, Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 50, 1434 Copenhagen K. 

This PhD-thesis sets out to investigate what circular economy [CE] constitutes when effectuated through architecture. This is done through five articles all revolving around façade design as a point-of-departure and a ‘lens’ to see architecture through. 

State-of-art on CE is presented in two parts as it contains; CE and Façade Design. CE is presented in a multitude of ways; in the The Burning Platform and Its Counter Position the current political and strategical character of CE is established along with the history of its emergence and eventually analyzed in the architectural contexts of façade design. In Part 2 (articles) we return to the understanding of CE where state-of-the-art is framed in the context of each article. 

Façade design is unpacked in the theory chapter Theory of Tectonics, where it is placed in a tectonic understanding of architecture. 

CE can be coined as a material economy, that simultaneously aims to be a regenerative economy (ecology) and ensures economic growth (Webster, 2017, p. 17). Throughout the study the dichotomy between ecological sustainability and economic growth is an underlying problematic premise as they often stand in stark contradiction to each other – but the focus of this study has been to find ways for CE to become regenerative through architecture and façade design. The question of the sustainability of economic growth (green growth) is not the subject area of this study (European Commission, 2017). 

The theoretical position of this study is tectonics. Tectonics proved itself to be a productive understanding of architecture as it, in a direct sense, deals with the physical and material reality of architecture. As such the subjects of tectonics turned out to align with the material and practical nature of CE. Thus, the research questions align to the fundamental concepts defining tectonics (defined in the Theory chapter). It is investigated whether CE is a new understanding, not just of the material, but also of craft, construction (core-form) and architecture as a poetic/sensuous expression (art-form). Finally, it is investigated if the legislative framework for architecture allow for the changes CE represent? 

It resulted in a study, and this thesis, that is expansive in nature and works within a broad field of inquiry, approached through three levels/categories of abstraction (Gall Krogh et al., 2015, p. 8): 

First, Speculation Through Making (Circular Economy), investigates the practical ramifications of CE in façade architecture – how CE influence the choices of materials, the craft and construction in façade architecture. Furthermore, it reflects on the concept of economic decoupling as a gauge to qualify the level of success of CE in architecture. It consists of one article, Building Circular Economy. 

Second, Implementing Circular Economy, deals with CE as a shift in architectural thinking and method. It consists of two articles, Circular Design Guide that reflect on an array of necessary concepts to employ in architecture as way to operationalize CE through architecture. In the article A New Method of Circular Façade Design? the associated concept of CE in architecture; Design for Disassembly [DfD] and Initial (material) Impact Analysis (a reduced version of LCA [Life-Cycle-Assessment]) were tested in relation to façade design. 

Thirdly, The Framework for Architecture, investigates if the legal framework of architecture promotes or excludes architectural practice from aligning with CE. It consists of two articles; in The Relation Between Building Performance and Embedded Energy it is discussed if the prevailing understanding of material and energy in architecture is compatible with the regenerative goal of CE and in The Compatibility of Architecture and Circular Economy, the scope of deliveries (YBL18) - a defining measure in architectural method in practice - is investigated in regards to the architectural focus CE requires. 

The investigations in all articles are set in the frame of façade design as a focal point. Thus, the thesis revolves around façade design but merely as a starting point as most of the discussions will address the envelope as a whole and architecture in general. In the final chapters this results in a Discussion and Conclusions on the general impact of CE on architecture where the façade merely functions as a planform for the discussion. Finally, in the chapter Perspectives we return specifically to façade design as a way to generate Circular Synergies for the building as a whole. 

This thesis will show that CE in façade design must be about; material understanding and energy, reuse and renewables, craft and DfD, and much more that requires an acknowledgement of the possibility that architectural visions comes out of something more than function and esthetics; façade design must position itself in the tectonic (philosophical and technological) discussion of ecology that will signify a new ethic in construction that revolves around the material and craft of architecture. But equally important; Circular Façade Design can emerge from a simpler mechanical (passive) building technology in which synergies and holistic thinking become the all-important features of CE in architecture. Thus, CE can be understood as a part of an emerging new view on (architectural) technology that differs from the prevailing technological understanding underpinning and leading the way for the last centuries of industrialization, economic development and our yearning after eternal economic growth. 

Denne Ph.d.-afhandling undersøger cirkulær økonomi [CØ] og dens relation til arkitekturen. CØ kan derfor betragtes som afhandlingens genstandsfelt. Undersøgelsen sker gennem fem artikler, som alle har facade design som udgangspunkt. Facadedesign fungerer som en ’linse’ eller forskningsobjekt hvorigennem arkitekturen forstås når CØ undersøges. 

State-of-the-art rummer derfor to (uens?) emner da både CØ og facadedesign må afdækkes of forstås og blotlægge deres potentielle gensidighed og relation. CØ bliver præsenteret af flere omgange; i The Burning Platform and Its Counter Position bliver den nuværende politiske, strategiske, historiske forståelse af CØ introduceret og i scenesat overfor facade design. I Part 2 (artiklerne) vender vi tilbage og elaborerer på state-of-the-art i forhold til den aktuelle kontekst artiklerne opretter. 

Facadedesign bliver udfoldet i teorikapitlet Theory of Tectonics, hvor den placeres i en tektonisk forståelsesramme af arkitekturen. 

CØ kan forstås som en materiel økonomi, som samtidigt forsøger at være en regenerativ økonomi (økologi) OG skabe økonomisk vækst (Webster, 2017, p. 17). 

Denne dikotomi mellem ønsket om økologisk bæredygtighed og økonomisk vækst er et underliggende problemfelt i denne afhandling, da de ofte står i modsætningsforhold til hinanden. Fokusset her har været på at undersøge hvordan CØ kan lykkes med at være en regenerative bæredygtig kraft i arkitekturen og gennem facade design. Derfor er spørgsmålet om den økonomiske væksts bæredygtighed (såkaldt grøn vækst) ikke en del af genstandsfeltet i denne afhandling (European Commission, 2017). 

Afhandlingens teoretiske ståsted er tektonikken. Tektonikken viste sig, at være en produktiv arkitektonisk forståelsesramme, da den tager sit udgangspunkt i arkitekturens fysiske og materiale virkelighed. På denne vis positionerer tektonikken sig på linje med det materielle udgangspunkt CØ har. De spørgsmål som undersøges i afhandlingen er derfor defineret på baggrund af tektonikkens grundlæggende koncepter (som defineres i teorikapitlet). Der spørges derfor til hvordan CØ fordrer et nyt syn på, ikke bare materialitet, men også håndværk/produktion (craft), konstruktion (core-form) og byggeriet poetiske/sanselige egenskaber (art-form). Slutteligt, undersøges om de forandringer som CE synes at kræve af arkitekturen kan understøttes af den gældende lovgivningsmæssige ramme, som er definerende for arkitekturen og facadens tilblivelse. 

Denne afhandling er derfor en ekspansiv typologisk afhandling, der fungerer som en ’udbredende’ undersøgelse, og kan karakteriseres ved at bevæge sig på tre niveauer (kategorier) af abstraktion (Gall Krogh et al., 2015, p. 8): 

Den første kategori er, Speculation Through Making (Circular Economy), hvori det er de praktiske og konkrete konsekvenser af CØ i forhold til facadens materialer, håndværk og udformning, som undersøges. Her er afsættet for undersøgelsen en praktisk håndværksmæssig tilgang. Facadedesignet sættes i relation til konceptet relativ økonomisk afkobling som kan fungere som målestok for CØ’s udfald i forhold til målsætningen om at opnå en regenerativ økonomi. Denne kategori rummer en artikel: Building Circular Economy. 

I den anden kategori, Implementing Circular Economy, undersøges CØ som en ’tektonisk forskydning’, som fordrer andre arkitektoniske metoder og tankesæt end de gældende. Den har dermed et metodisk afsæt og indeholder to artikler: Circular Design Guide, hvori der reflekterer over et udvalg af nødvendige koncepter som facade design må forholde sig til, hvis CØ skal gøres operationel i arkitekturen. Den anden artikel A New Method of Circular Facade Design? som bygger ovenpå foregående artikel, men hvor en mere kondenseret tilgang anvendes som udgangspunkt for facade design, der blot består af to designdrivende 11 6 analyser: Design for Disassembly [DfD] og Initial (material) Impact Analysis (en reduceret omend mere arkitektonisk version af LCA [Life-Cycle-Assessment]). 

Den tredje kategori, The Legislative Framework for Façade Design in Relation to CE, undersøger hvorvidt de lovgivende og rammesættende forhold er fordrende for en arkitektonisk praksis i overensstemmelse med CØ. Den består af to artikler. I The Relation Between Building Performance and Embedded Energy bliver det undersøgt om den gældende forståelse af forholdet mellem materiale (ressource) og energi i arkitekturen er forenelig med CØ’s målsætning om at være regenerativ. I The Compatibility of Architecture and Circular Economy bliver ydelsesbeskrivelserne (YBL 18), som er definerende for den arkitektoniske metode i praksis, undersøgt i forhold til det arkitektoniske fokus CØ udpeger? 

Fælles for alle artikler er, at de har facade design som afsæt for en større discussion. Denne afhandling omhandler dermed facadedesign men kun som et udgangspunkt for undersøgelserne, og de fleste diskussioner som rejses er gældende for hele klimaskærmen og for arkitekturen i sin helhed. De sidste kapitler, Discussion og Conclusions, er dermed mere brede og forholder sig til de gennerelle påvirkninger CØ kan få for arkitekturen, og her fungere facade design blot som en platform for diskussionen. Slutteligt, i kapitlet Perspectives, kommer vi igen tættere på facaden og ser på dens potentielle rolle som skaber af ’Cirkulær Synergi’ i byggeriet som helhed. 

Denne afhandling vil vise at CØ i arkitekturen omhandler; en ny materiale- og energiforståelse, mere genbrug og fornybare materialer, andet håndværk og DfD, osv. At CØ fordrer at vi indser at arkitektoniske visioner kan ’bygge’ på mere en funktion og æstetik: At facade design må positionere sig i en tektonisk (teknologifilosofisk) diskussion om økologi, som kommer til udtryk ved at være en ny etisk konstruktionsform, som har materialet og håndværket som omdrejningspunkt. Men ligeså vigtigt; Cirkulær Façade Design kan bygge på simple, mekaniske (passive) bygningsteknologier, hvor synergier mellem bygningskomponenterne og holistisk tænkning er den drivkraft som kan lede byggeriet mod en meningsfuld plads i en regenerativ økonomi. CØ kan derfor forstås som frontløber for nyt teknologi-syn, som er væsensforskelligt fra det teknologisyn, som har været hjørnestenen i det sidste århundreders industrialisering, den økonomisk udvikling og vores vigen efter uendelig vækst