Out of Waste

Craft - Glass and Ceramics
Annelie Grimwade Olofsson, George William Bell

Naturally occurring materials are a lacking group of matter, and therefore craftsmen and designers must find alternative mining methods for resourcing precious raw materials or processing already produced waste: The produced materials of today must become the ressources of tomorrow. This project investigates the use of industrial by-products in the development of a collection of ceramic objects - wares, tiles and blocks - for functional and architectural purposes.

As the global population increases, so does the consumption of goods and generation of waste. The waste inevitably ends up in landfills where it risks polluting fresh groundwater and surrounding ecosystems. 

Through various processes, toxic by-products are incapsulated in silica products rendering them safe. Through this body of work, we hope to inspire society to become aware of the drastic overproduction of waste material.  

By questioning material innovation, our goal is to make a difference in how we perceive consumption and materialism in a human context. Out Of Waste aims to demonstrate the threats and potential of the abundance of waste materials generated by modern infrastructure.

tableware glazed with waste from KADK, iron sludge from water filters and kaolin from a closed mine in Rønne
Airborn ashes from hay
Iron / Ochre sludge from water filters
Brick with ashes from waste-to-energy plant
Glazed sculpture made of waste materials