The Farm

Villads Høgsbro Nederby
Education degree
Architecture and Culture
Kulturarv, Transformation og Restaurering

A disused farm in the island of Møn is transformed into a cooperative farm based on principles of permaculture. The 200-year-old farmhouse is given new life and is supplemented by a guest house, a machine house, and a greenhouse. The project shows how traditional building techniques can find their way into contemporary construction and help preserve and continue a sustainable cultural heritage.

Opmåling, plan 1:50
Selve gården restaureres og får etableret nyt tag og nye dørpartier. Vestlænges transformeres til gårdbutik, mens den gamle havestue i sydlængen bliver til fællesrum for andelsforeningens medlemmer. I projektet er der sat fokus på brug af materialer, der kombinere gode isolerende og frugtregulerende egenskaber med miljø- og klimavenlig produktion.
Gårdens transformation
Isometri, additioner 1:50
Port, maskinhus 1:5
Visualisering, maskinhus
Tagfod, gæstehus 1:5

The Royal Danish Academy supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Since 2017 the Royal Danish Academy has worked with the Sustainable Development Goals. This is reflected in our research, our teaching and in our students’ projects. This project relates to the following UN goal(-s)