E-books - anytime, anywhere

Photo: Susan Cipriano on pixabay.com

The Royal Academy Library offers students and staff access to a huge amount of e-books. Not less than 213.000 books within all kinds of topics.

If the book in print is on loan.
If the library is closed.
If your backpack is too full.

Try an e-book.

In the database E-book Central you can read online and download e-books.
If you are not on campus, you have to make a personal account using your academy-mail. 
When you have been approved as a library user - you have unlimited access to the e-books.


The 5 most used e-books at The Royal Academy:

Building from Waste

Conservation of Easel Paintings

Aesthetic Sustainability

The Future of the Professions

The Three-Piece Suit and Modern Masculinity