Bio Local Advanced Manufacture

Paul Nicholas, Antonio Scaffidi, Konrad Sonne, Nadja Gaudillière-Jami
Sandro Siefert, Carolyn-Nelle Preston Ichniowski, Maximilian Bauer, Gustav-Emil Kjær Rasmussen, Kirstine Nørgaard Sejersen

How is it possible to strike a balance between materials, machines, and transport in local bio-based production?

This project seeks to envision a decentralised, small-scale manufacturing process using local Danish biomaterials. By developing a new way to robotically spray a material made from Danish waste and side-stream biomass (beach cast eelgrass, subgrade miscanthus and collagen glue from pigs), the research creates experimental architectural objects and traces their production chains. By mapping and calculating the impact of materials, machines, and transport from source to manufacturing location, the specific patterns and boundaries of local production emerge.
